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30 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Dentistry
Hardcover by Ed. Buser, Daniel (Author) 2/01/2022Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 7th Edition
by Tord Berglundh (Editor), William V. Giannobile (Editor), Mariano Sanz (Editor), Niklaus P. Lang (Editor) 10/18/2021Practical Procedures in Implant Dentistry
1st Edition by Christopher C. K. Ho (Editor) 9/16/2021World Class Smiles: The Consumer's Guide to Dental Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry
Paperback – November 3, 2020 by Dr. Gregory A. McElroy D.D.S. (Author) 11/03/2020Misch's Contemporary Implant Dentistry 4th Edition
by Randolph Resnik DMD MDS (Author) 2/27/2020
Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitation 1st Edition
by Arun K. Garg (Author) 9/30/2019Zero Bone Loss Concepts 1st Edition
by Tomas Linkevicius (Author) 6/11/2019Quick Reference to Dental Implant Surgery 1st Edition
by Mohamed A. Maksoud (Author) 7/05/2017Manual of Dental Implants 3rd Edition
by David P. Sarment (Author) 2/05/2015Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, 4e 4th Edition
by Michael S. Block DMD (Author) 7/25/2014Your Missing Teeth Are Killing You!: The Devastating Consequences of Tooth Loss, and the Life Changing Benefits of Dental Implants
by Joseph A. Gaeta Jr. (Author) 11/02/2012
There's a silent epidemic happening across the world and it will dramatically affect the human population for years to come. Approximately two out of three Americans currently have missing teeth, along with nearly 20 percent of the world population. Many don't realize the serious consequences of tooth loss and the impact on their life and health until it's too late. This book exposes the four major consequences that you wouldn't expect from tooth loss, and explains why dental implants are the only way to help stop them, so you can live the quality of life you deserve.Dental Implants: The Art and Science 2nd Edition
by Charles A. Babbush DDS MScD (Author), Jack A. Hahn DDS (Author), Jack T. Krauser DMD (Author), Joel L. Rosenlicht DMD (Author) 3/23/2010
Evidence-based Implant Treatment Planning and Clinical Protocols 1st Edition
by Steven J. Sadowsky (Editor) 1/17/2017Loading Protocols for Dental Implants
Paperback by Nitin Deora (Author) 12/12/2016Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry: Surgical Principles: Volume 2 1st Edition
by Peter K. Moy (Author, Editor), Alessandro Pozzi (Editor), John Beumer (Editor) 9/30/2016Dental Implant Biomaterials Paperback
by Rahul Sharma (Author), Ravi Sinha (Author) 9/22/2016Horizontal Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: A Surgical Manual 1st Edition
by Len Tolstunov (Author) 2/15/2016Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment 2nd Edition
by Stuart J. Froum (Editor) 11/23/2015Dental Implant Prosthetics, 2e 2nd Edition
by Carl E. Misch DDS MDS PHD(HC) (Author) 7/16/2014Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist: Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complications 1st Edition
by Susan S. Wingrove (Author) 8/26/2013Mini Dental Implants: Principles and Practice, 1e 1st Edition
by Victor Dr. Sendax (Author) 11/02/2012Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment 1st Edition
by Stuart J. Froum (Editor) 7/06/2010Implant Laboratory Procedures: A Step-by-Step Guide
[Spiral-Bound] Carl Drago (Author), Thomas Peterson (Author) 5/10Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 3e 3rd Edition
by Carl E. Misch DDS MDS PHD(HC) (Author) 12/10/2007Clinical and Laboratory Manual of Implant Overdentures
[Hardcover] Hamid Shafie (Author) 4/07Dental implant
A Straumann-brand root-form endosseous dental implant placed in the site of the maxillary left permanent first molar with bone graft used to elevate the sinus floor. A dental implant is a titanium "root" used in dentistry to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth to replace missing teeth.
Virtually all dental implants placed today are root-form endosseous implants, i.e., they appear similar to an actual tooth root (and thus possess a "root-form") and are placed within the bone (end- being the Greek prefix for "in" and osseous referring to "bone"). The bone of the jaw accepts and osseointegrates with the titanium post. The osseointegration is the component of this implant procedure that makes it resemble the look and feel of a natural tooth.
Prior to the advent of root-form endosseous implants, most implants were either blade endosseous implants, in that the shape of the metal piece placed within the bone resembled a flat blade, or subperiosteal implants, in which a framework was constructed to lie upon and was attached with screws to the exposed bone of the jaws.
Dental implants can be used to support a number of dental prostheses, including crowns, implant-supported bridges or dentures. They can also be used as anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement. The use of dental implants permits unidirectional tooth movement without reciprocal action. dental implant problems tooth implantation
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