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MyKoloAlbum Design your own digital photo album
Create a Digital Photo Book with MyKoloAlbum

US Shipping Only. Kolo customers may choose one of the many fine photo album products at kolo.com or design their own digital photo album at mykoloalbum.com. Kolo has a strong passion for photography and the presentation of photography via books. Big books or small, the power of prints and the books that hold them. Albums, photo books and boxes hold life’s stories. They’re time capsules bound in paper, cloth and leather.

Photographers, artists and other creative professionals were the first to discover Kolo. Around the world, they use Kolo books as simple tools….tools that allow their photos and art to be captured and shared. The power of print. Alive and well in a digital era! A Kolo book is a home to remember special people, places, times, projects, thoughts and journeys.



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