Shake Flashlight - Flashlight You Shake To Recharge

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Buy Shake Flashlight

Faraday Flashlight


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The Shake Flashlight - Get The Last Flashlight You ll Ever Need! No Batteries, No Bulbs. Simply shake this amazing flashlight for 30 seconds and you'll have a full five minutes of bright light. DON'T be caught unprepared!

The Shake Flashlight - Shake it for just 30 seconds and you get 5 minutes of continuous bright light. Once when the light starts to dim, just shake it again! The Shake Flashlight: Never Requires Batteries! Super Bright Light! Visible For Up To A Mile! Waterproof Case!

The Shake Flashlight works when you need it most. At home, in the car, in your camper, boat or any emergency situation. Never buy batteries again!


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