eFoodsDirect All Natural Good Taste Emergency Dehydrated Food Supplies Review


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Emergency storable food supply for disasters

Best Home Food Free Guide Info Easy Help 1 Year Supply. They provide emergency dehydrated foods units and food supplies for storing canned and dehydrated food. Buy storable emergency food rations that are organic, safe, and protein foods and healthy meals. Information on dry food and survival foods as well as water filtration and dehydrated meals. Need water filters or freeze dried meals for emergency food storage buy from eFoods Direct. Get emergency preparedness food and emergency food kits like mres survival kits for disasters like hurricane earthquake.

All Supplies Vegetarian
All supplies are vegetarian. Any of the "beef" or "chicken" in the Nutriversal Foods™ is textured vegetable protein (TVP) with no MSG added. Also, any items listed in the "Meat" sections of the one-year units are textured vegetable protein.

Dehydrated vs. Freeze Dried

There are several differences between dehydrated foods and freeze dried foods.

Dehydrating foods involves a low heat process that removes the moisture from the foods. Dehydrated foods are shrunk down in size so you get a lot of servings in each container.

Freeze dried foods, on the other hand, retain their same size and shape so you would need several freeze dried cans to equal the same number of servings as in one can of dehydrated. This increases the amount of storage space needed. Also, freeze dried foods usually have more preservatives.

They recommend that folks order dehydrated foods for the majority of their supplies. You may want to add some freeze dried fruits and vegetables for additional variety. Even though they offer both dehydrated and freeze dried foods, they recommend ordering the dehydrated foods first for nutrition, cost, storage life and storage space advantages.

The freeze dried should be used as a supplement for variety if cost, storage space and questionable additives are NOT a concern. They offer freeze dried supplementary packs of fruits, vegetables and Mountain House entrees.

Garden Fresh Pantry Food / Nutriversal Food

What is difference between the Garden Fresh Pantry™ food and the new Nutriversal™ food?

Their Garden Fresh Pantry™ product is natural food that has been dehydrated and packaged in its raw form. A cup of their carrots cooks and tastes just like normal carrots - you just don't have to peel and cut them. The one-year supplies-the Freedom and Liberty Units-contain the Garden Fresh Pantry™ foods.

For their new Nutriversal™ products, they took health food quality ingredients and blended them into their proprietary recipes to create ready to eat meals that taste like gourmet restaurant cuisine, yet have a guaranteed 15+ year shelf life. The 7Day, 2Week, 4Week, 3Month and 6Month Responders are made up primarily of the Nutriversal™ foods. The Grab-n-Go Pack and Freedom Units also contain portions of Nutriversal™ foods.

If you want bulk packed (#10 sized cans) long term storable food in its raw form that you prepare into meals yourself, then you will want to order Garden Fresh Pantry™ products (ie. Freedom and Liberty one-year supplies.)

If you want ready to eat meals that that only require you to boil water and simmer for 10-20 minutes, then you will want to order our Nutriversal™ products.

The Nutriversal™ products have ultra high quality ingredients, incredible taste, easy preparation along with convenient portions and packaging.

Nutriversal™ products are used for days when food preparation time is limited or when mobility and convenience are important such as first responder emergencies, camping, fishing, backpacking, hunting and other activities. However, due to the low cost per meal, high nutritional value and great taste, college students, single moms, retired folks and others use them every day.


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