Cigar of the Month Clubs of America Cigar Club
The Worldwide Cigar Club invites you to join with other kindred spirits who enjoy the pleasure of rare tobacco. Enjoy 5 different cigars deliverd each month.
Travel with their Cigar of the Month Club's cigaristas to the verdant tropics, where around the globe premium cigars are still meticulously hand-wrapped using rare regional tobacco leaf blends. Relax, and enjoy the smooth, earthy flavors of the world's finest cigars - as a Cigar Club member, you'll receive 5 premium cigars each month.
What You Get Each Month
* 5 premium hand-rolled cigars from around the world
* Humidor-fresh delivery to your home or office
* FREE personalized gift announcement
* Current copy of "Cigar Expeditions" newsletter
* FREE cigar cutter with first month's delivery
* Option to reorder at discounted prices
* $25 Instant savings on all 12-month memberships* Tobacconist-selected, expertly hand-rolled cigars
* Individually packaged and sealed for premium flavor
* No sign up fees or minimum terms
* Experienced trusted company founded in 1994
* Your 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
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