10 Ways You'll Feel Better - Acai Berry Benefits

Acai Berry

10 Ways You'll Feel Better with Acai
by Dr. Karen Yale - B.A., D.C., C.C.N., D.A.C.B.N

What is Acai?
Acai is a berry from a palm tree that grows naturally in the Amazon region. Of particular interest are the antioxidants in Acai called anthocyanines, or pigments. You've probably heard about how it's important to eat a wide range of colorful fruit. That's because pigments found in natural fruits and vegetables contain important nutritional properties that help keep your heart healthy and your immune system strong.

Just so happens the little acai berry contains an enormous range of color pigments including orange, red, and blue. The more colorful the pigment, the better for your health!

What's an ORAC?
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, a standard adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It provides a very precise way of measuring the free radical destroying or neutralizing ability of a particular food or supplement. Whole, natural foods, especially fruits and vegetables have a higher ORAC value than processed foods. While the USDA recommends 3000-5000 ORAC units, most of us only get about 1000. The result? Free radicals roaming your body wreaking havoc on your cells, causing premature aging, heart concerns, and other health problems.

10 Ways to Boost Your Health with Acai

Besides offering powerful antioxidant protection with its high ORAC value as I discussed above, Acai also helps you 10 other ways. These are the reasons why celebrities are so excited — and I agree!

1. Offers phenomenal weight control... so you can get as thin as you'd like when you use it in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet and exercise plan

2. Boosts energy... so you can be as active as you'd like, all day, every day.

3. Elevates your mood... so you feel good about yourself and are positive about life, even while exercising!

4. Enhances digestion... so you're cleansed, refreshed and rarin' to go. Nutrients are absorbed and waste moves through efficiently.

5. Harmonizes all your body's processes... so it's easier to reach your weight goal.

6. Neutralizes free radicals... so you can rest assured you're protecting your good health.

7. Fosters mental clarity... so you feel sharp, focused and on track

8. Promotes healthy, luxurious-looking hair and radiant skin... so you can fool everyone about your age.

9. Eases joint discomfort and muscle tension... so you can do all the activities you enjoy.

10. Encourages healthy, natural sleep... so you wake up refreshed and ready to start your day.

What's more, Acai contains Omega 6 and 9 essential fatty acids to keep your cell membranes and systems health, along with vitamins B, C, and E for additional health benefits.

Start managing your weight and giving your health a super boost with Acai. Taking the right nutritional supplements can make your life healthier and happier every day!




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