Hulbert Interactive Newsletter Financial Digest Review Free 30 Day Trial

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Mark Hulbert, Editor
Mark Hulbert launched Hulbert Interactive in 2004 and has been writing and publishing The Hulbert Financial Digest for over 20 years, tracking the advice of over 180 newsletters since 1980.

Access the 180-newsletter HFD database
* Track consensus recommendations
* Search by symbol, title, or industry
* Avoid investment newsletter scams

What is Hulbert Interactive?

Hulbert Interactive is Mark Hulbert's online, interactive tool for researching and rating the performance of investment newsletters and advisors.

Since 1980, Mark Hulbert's monthly newsletter, The Hulbert Financial Digest, has helped steer investors toward the best-performing stock market letters ... and helped warn them away from the losers ... so that they can maximize the profits earned from the investment advice they buy.

USA Today calls The Hulbert Financial Digest "the bible on who gives the best investment newsletter advice." Barron's says the HFD is "well-researched and informative … and it doesn't pull any punches."

The Hulbert Financial Digest is not an investment advisor. It's a completely independent, impartial, and authoritative rating service that arms you with the facts about stock and mutual fund investment newsletter performance.

How does Hulbert Interactive work?

The Hulbert Financial Digest anonymously subscribes to more than 180 stock and mutual fund newsletters, and follows over 500 model portfolios, monitoring each newsletter's buy-sell recommendations as they issue them. This is the database Hulbert Interactive feeds on.

Following a strict set of computational rules, the HFD computes the risk-adjusted performance of all portfolios of 5, 10, 15, and 20 years.

With Hulbert Interactive, you get access to new ratings ... new data ... portfolio updates ... and performance rankings in real-time, as they are posted. Do your stock market research right at your PC on evenings, weekends, and holidays. The information is right at your fingertips, when and where you need it.

Additional features and tools to help you beat the market

Here's just a sampling of other features you'll enjoy as a Hulbert Interactive subscriber:

* High-powered online searches. 24-hour access to search by ticker symbol, newsletter or group of newsletters to find out who's holding or not holding a security and why.
* Market-timing update. Get the average exposure to the stock, gold and bond markets among all newsletters tracked by the HFD.
* Customizable rankings of investment newsletters. Rank newsletters over any time period you specify. Which newsletters did the best in the bear market that lasted from March 2000 to October 2002?
* Industry analysis. Hulbert Interactive allows you to group newsletter recommendations by industry.
* Articles by Mark Hulbert and The Hulbert Financial Digest analyst team. Topics from asset allocation to market timing, as well as discussions on how best to use Hulbert Interactive.
* Investment newsletter profiles. One-page profiles of each newsletter include portfolio analysis and a graphical depiction of the advisor's performance along side the Wilshire 5000.
* Hulbert Interactive Alerts. E-mailed alerts whenever any investment newsletters (that match your criteria) upgrade or downgrade their ratings on the top stocks they are holding as a group.

Whatever your investment goals, Hulbert Interactive can show you the newsletters that have achieved maximum return within those objectives — along with the stocks that those newsletter advisors are buying today.




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