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https://checkintocash.comPayday Loan Business Start-Up : How to Start a Payday Advance Lending Business - Be a Cash Advance Loan Broker to Help People Borrow Money When They Need It Most: Includes Marketing Advice
Paperback English By (author) Ben Henry 7/23/2020Loans 101: How to get a loan Pay Less and Get More
by Amit Eshet (Author) 3/28/2018How the Other Half Banks: Exclusion, Exploitation, and the Threat to Democracy
Paperback by Mehrsa Baradaran (Author) 3/12/2018Unbanking of America
Paperback by Lisa Servon (Author) 2/13/2018How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck: A proven path to money mastery in only 15 minutes a week! (Smart Money Blueprint) (Volume 1)
Paperback by Avery Breyer (Author) 9/29/2016Payday Loans and Consumer Financial Health
Paperback English By (author) Federal Reserve Board 11/19/2014Loan Sharks the Rise and Rise of Payday Lending
Paperback English By (author) Carl Packman 8/03/2014Payday Loans and Deposit Advance Products
Paperback English By (author) Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 5/09/2014Scam Nation - Fighting the $257 Billion Epidemic of American Consumer Frauds and Cons.
Paperback by John S LaRosa (Author) 6/14/2017A cash loan or cash advance, also known as a payday advance, is a short term loan offered to borrowers to cover various expenses that they might have incurred up until the following payday. These cash laons are to be used solely for short term financial relief and in no way are considered to be long term financial solutions.
Consumers who are struggling with debt and who face credit difficulties are advised to seek out professional debt or credit assistance and counseling. Consumers are also encouraged to contact state, federal and local governments to educate themselves on the local laws pertaining to cash loans, including the risks of cash loans, possible alternatives, recent financial developments in their state, and learn about the regulations that govern cash short term loans.