Generation UCAN Superstarch Tub Non-GMO Corn Powdered Drink Mix Ingredients Nutrition Testimonials Reviews

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Generation UCAN Superstarch at eBay

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SuperStarch is a complex carbohydrate that breaks down slowly over time to help provide sustained natural energy levels. For ideal results, use before, during and after activity to help your body achieve its peak performance.

The key to achieving your weight loss goal is to consume calories that don't block your ability to burn fat. When you fuel with sugars, your body burns sugar during exercise instead of fat. Fueling with UCAN puts you in the ideal fat-burning state and helps curb post-workout cravings. Say goodbye to those extra pounds. UCAN Run to Lose! Now that's a win-win.

Have there been any reported cases of side effects or illness as the result of Generation UCAN product?
No. Fortunately, Generation UCAN product is naturally healthy. UCAN doesn't have sugars, caffeine and complex ingredients found in other energy drinks. Lab tests, nutritionists and athletes continue to tell us one of the great benefits of Generation UCAN product is how gentle it is on the stomach.

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Generation UCAN Hydrate Electrolyte Drink Tub
Generation UCAN Hydrate Electrolyte Drink 12 Pack
Generation UCAN 28oz Blender Bottle
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INGREDIENTS: SuperStarch (hydrothermally cooked non-GMO corn), Natural Flavors, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Citrate Dihydrate, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Color (fruit and vegetable juice), Sucralose (non-nutritive sweetener), Ascorbic Acid


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