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Witchcraft Books

Green Witchcraft: A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond
Paperback by Paige Vanderbeck (Author) 2/25/2020

A History of Witchcraft, Second Edition
(Paperback) by Jeffrey B. Russell (Author), Brooks Alexander (Author) 3/07

Witchcraft Through the Ages: The Story of Haxan, the World's Strangest Film, and the Man Who Made It
(Paperback) by Jack Stevenson (Author) 3/07


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Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks, and Covens
(Paperback) by Paul Huson (Author) 11/06

Girl's Guide To Witchcraft (Red Dress Ink)
(Paperback) by Mindy Klasky (Author), Mindy L Klasky (Author) 10/06

Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion: An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural
(Paperback) by Pamela Moro (Author), James Myers (Author), Arthur Lehmann (Author) 9/06

WitchCraft Exposed

Improved version. How to cast effective spells and rituals within a week! Enhance your love life, money situation or luck. Get the power of Magick! Can you cast spells? How to cast effective spells easily ? How magic spells change lives ? Your magick spells and rituals. For the first time since the Pharaohs, witchcraft secrets have been uncovered. This is the key to casting devastatingly effective spells and rituals with extraordinary power in just days instead of years. Even if you are a complete beginner, this powerful and beneficial european witchcraft can quickly and radically change your life. What do you wish for? Choose any from the list or add your own: Abundance? Love? Happiness? Friends? Health? Protection? Revenge? POWER? It can all be accomplished with these powerful magick spells and secrets that I just found. And you won't be asked to sacrifice blood or sell your soul to make it all happen.



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