Free Spam Filter - Stop Spam Mail - Anti Spam Software

Email Spam Filters

Spamfighter Version 7.6.155 Release date 2019-03-11
Free Spam Filter for Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail
SPAMfighter has partnered up with Microsoft to build the strongest, safest, and most effective anti spam filter on the market. If you use Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird and you want to get rid of spam, just install SPAMfighter. And if you use it at home, it's 100% free.

Cactus Spam Filter 2.13     6/21/2006 4.5 165 votes
Cactus Spam Filter is a spam blocker. It protects your inbox by learning to detect spam as it's being used. After a short while it has adapted to your personal mailbox and blocks out most of the junk e-mail. This spam stopper integrates seamlessly with all e-mail clients that use POP3 such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Pegasus Mail, IncrediMail, Foxmail, POP Peeper, Command Line POP Client and Phoenix Mail. After you have downloaded and installed it no more settings are required. No account setup and no POP proxies. Just start your favorite e-mail program and Cactus Spam Filter will instantly protect it. Version 2.13 features bug fixes, usability improvements, and possibility to look up spam on Internet.

POPFile - Automatic Email Classification v0.22.4 2/22/2006
4.5 10 votes
POPFile is an email classification tool with a Naive Bayes classifier, POP3, SMTP, NNTP proxies and IMAP filter and a web interface. It runs on most platforms and with most email clients.

ChoiceMail Free 3.1
4 144 votes. Single-users with one POP3 email account ChoiceMail Free is a FREE but limited version of our highly acclaimed ChoiceMail One product but it may be all the spam protection you need. It contains ChoiceMail’s most important features, including whitelist, blacklist, permission/blocking rules (both built-in and user-defined), safe message previewing and unknown sender registration. ChoiceMail Free does not work with Yahoo, AOL, MSN and Hotmail webmail accounts. Some features available in ChoiceMail One are disabled, and certain user preferences, such as the content of automated messages, are fixed. All outgoing emails are tagged with a brief message indicating that you are using ChoiceMail Free.

MailWasher Free 5.1
From Firetrust: MailWasher is a program to help you get rid of spam and viruses in your e-mail. MailWasher allows you to preview all aspects of your e-mail on the server before you download it to your computer, thus protecting you from spam, viruses, phishing attacks, and other nuisances. You can then delete unwanted e-mail before it gets to you. Other features help identify and protect you against viruses and worms. Also included are comprehensive, customizable filters, use of friends list, and blacklist to stop spammers. Version 5.1 is a bug fixing release.

SpamExperts Home v1.1.6.2 Feb, 2007
SpamExperts Home is an antispam filter, which automatically intercepts e-mail before it reaches your POP3 or IMAP compatible e-mail client. The program provides compatibility with all POP3 and IMAP email clients, Multilanguage support; automatic e-mail retrieval and notification; SSL support. Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Release: 1.594 (24-Oct-2005) Beta: 1.73g (29-Jan-2006)
is a mail classification program that can help separate your spam from the mail you really want to read. This spam-filtering tool checks the source of your incoming mail against lists of known spammers. It also includes extensive whitelisting features and other features to automatically minimize the chance of legitimate mail being mistaken for spam. It can be used with any mail program and any POP3 mailbox.

MailGuard 1.13 June 14, 2005 File size 2.49MB
MailGuard is an anti-spam and e-mail filtering tool. It has been developed to reduce overly long e-mail download times and spam. It will help reduce spam by checking spam blacklist sites for known spammers and marking e-mails accordingly. You will be able to delete and bounce e-mails without having to dowload them. Version 1.13 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Free, temporary, disposable email addresses for fighting spam.


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